
分享 朱自清名作欣赏:《绿》
admin 2009-8-24 06:30
朱自清名作欣赏:《绿》 张恩和   人们每到一处旅游胜地,都很容易被那里的水形山色、珍草异葩、古屋趣闻弄得眼花缭乱,不能深入领略它独特的美,抓住它最富个性的特色。大概也是因此之故,本文作者到第二次游仙岩时才犹如最新发现一般“惊诧于梅雨潭的绿”了。   梅雨潭不过是一个普通的瀑布 ...
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分享 绿
admin 2009-8-24 06:26
绿 朱自清   我第二次到仙岩①的时候,我惊诧于梅雨潭的绿了。   (①山名,瑞安的胜迹。)   梅雨潭是一个瀑布潭。仙岩有三个瀑布,梅雨瀑最低。走到山边,便听见花花花花的声音;抬起头,镶在两条湿湿的黑边儿里的,一带白而发亮的水便呈现于眼前了。我们先到梅雨亭。梅雨亭正对着那条瀑布;坐在亭 ...
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分享 Spring
admin 2009-8-24 06:16
Spring Zhu Ziqing   I wonder,and wonder,the east wind comes.The spring is coming.   Everything is awoke.They open their eyes.The mountains green,the water become more.The sun's face gets red. The grass grow from the ground,it's green and gentle.There is much in the garden and f ...
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分享 读《春》
admin 2009-8-24 05:51
读《春》   朱自清的精短散文《春》,意象单纯,主题明朗,语言优美,人们往往把它解读为一篇“春的赞歌”。其实这是一种误读。   《春》与朱自清众多的写景抒情散文一样,看似晶莹剔透,一目了然,但它却像一杯醇酒一般,蕴涵了绵长而清洌的韵味与芳香,要真正品尝出它的滋味并非易事。在这篇“贮满诗意”的 ...
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分享 《春》全面解析
admin 2009-8-24 05:36
《春》全面解析   《春》是朱自清散文中的名篇佳作,但在作者生前,它却没有收入朱先生的散文集中。据陈杰同志考证,《春》最早发表在朱文叔编的《初中国文读本》第一册上。该书1933年7月由上海中华书局印行。陈说:“在篇名的右上角都注有标记。编者在课文目录后附注,凡有此标记者‘系特约撰述之作品’,可见是 ...
个人分类: 文艺欣赏|1008 次阅读|0 个评论 热度 3
分享 《春》赏析
admin 2009-8-24 05:19
《春》赏析   朱自清的精短散文《春》,意象单纯,主题明朗,语言优美,人们往往把它解读为一篇“春的赞歌”。其实这是一种误读。《春》与朱自清众多的写景抒情散文一样,看似晶莹剔透,一目了然,但它却像一杯醇酒一般,蕴涵了绵长而清洌的韵味与芳香,要真正品尝出它的滋味并非易事。在这篇“贮满诗意 ...
个人分类: 文艺欣赏|800 次阅读|0 个评论 热度 3
admin 2009-8-24 05:15
春 朱自清   盼望着,盼望着,东风来了,春天的脚步近了。   一切都像刚睡醒的样子,欣欣然张开了眼。山朗润起来了,水长起来了,太阳的脸红起来了。   小草偷偷地从土里钻出来,嫩嫩的,绿绿的。园子里,田野里,瞧去,一大片一大片满是的。坐着,躺着,打两个滚,踢几脚球,赛几趟跑,捉几回迷藏。风轻悄悄 ...
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分享 Days Gone By
admin 2009-8-23 20:45
Days Gone By translated by Zhang Mengjing   When the swallows have gone, there is still time to return; when the poplar and willow trees have become withered, there is still time to see green; when the peach flowers have already faded, there is still time to blossom. But please tell me, ...
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分享 Transient Days
admin 2009-8-23 20:39
Transient Days translated by Zhang Peiji   If swallows go away, they will come back again. If willows wither, they will turn green again. If peach blossoms fade, they will flower again. But, tell me, you the wise, why should our days go by never to return? Perhaps they have been stolen b ...
个人分类: 文艺欣赏|900 次阅读|0 个评论 热度 3
分享 Rush
admin 2009-8-23 20:37
Rush translated by Zhu Chunshen   Swallows may have gone, but there is a time of return; willow trees may have died back, but there is a time of regreening; peach blossoms may have fallen, but they will bloom again. Now, you the wise, tell me, why should our days leave us, never to retu ...
个人分类: 文艺欣赏|869 次阅读|0 个评论 热度 3

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